Life with three kids means you are in constant motion. Kids want to play. They want to run free, feel the breeze on their face, the waves crash in their hands and the sand beneath their toes. They want you to chase them, fly them through the air, and push them on the swings. Constant motion. While it could feel like chaos for some parents, these two went with the flow, trusted me and embraced it. They laughed when Annabella did her own thing, when Jonathan got grass stains on his shorts in the first 10 minutes, and when James allowed him and his brother to get their clothes wet. The joy in this is… these are the real moments that make their family who they are. It is a perfect snippet in their life right now and the joy on their faces are genuine. These kids will look back at these photos and it will bring them back to how great summers were with their parents. In 30 years, there will be no doubt how fun their parents were and the freedom they had to be in the moment. There is joy in every moment. No matter how chaotic it is…. embrace it, roll with it, and laugh it out.
Annabella pouts when she realizes their isn’t a big girl swing for her. Beach cuddle moment…Annabella wants to do her own thing. Instead of being frustrated that everyone won’t lay together… mom and dad both laugh at the independence of their youngest.
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