<img height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1529215307149501&ev=PageView &noscript=1"/> PARENTING STYLES + CHILDHOOD MEMORIES - J Stoia Portrait Design


August 22, 2023

I think we all have this idea of who we want to be as parents, but do we really step back and ask ourselves if we are actively doing something to create that space? I think we all want to make these childhood memories for our kids that will positively impact them as they grow up and stick with them as they revisit their favorite stories. Photos are truly one of the best ways we can stop time… capture what life is like during this stage of life… showcase personalities…clothing styles… and relationships. While we ALL have our phones out documenting everything that is happening in our lives daily (yes, me too)…. having your photos taken by someone else can reveal the beauty you hope you have as a parent.

This session, these parents…. they showcase their own unique parenting styles in such a genuine way. Mom lovingly looks at her kiddos…smooching their faces and holding them close… and I see this affection that they will carry with them always. Dad brings the crazy… the fun… the tossing in the air and big bear hugs. I think the kids will look back and always remember that dad took the time to spin them around, toss them in the air and get down to their level to actively play with them. THESE are their own unique parenting styles that are going to shape their childhood memories… and really the memories of these years for the parents. Sometimes we just need to see things through someone else’s lens to realize that we ARE doing the work to be the parents we want to be.

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