<img height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1529215307149501&ev=PageView &noscript=1"/> A HIKE WITH TEDDY | TWO YEARS OLD - J Stoia Portrait Design


October 30, 2023

You can often find him pulling a suitcase to travel to his next adventure or getting dressed to head outdoors. Teddy and his parents love going on hikes. This isn’t just something they partake in when they are visiting a new and exciting place. This family makes time for it in their own city as well. Teddy has pretty much grown up in a hiking carrier. While his view from above gives him views he doesn’t normally get, the toddler in him urges him to get down and explore the world on his own….. at his own pace…. the pace of a two year old. A hike with Teddy almost always includes stopping to smell every single flower and pointing out unique things along his path. It’s a bit late in the Minnesota season for flowers, but he made sure to find every little tree stump and test them out. Oh goodness, two years old is such an amazing stage of exploration!

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