<img height="1" width="1" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1529215307149501&ev=PageView &noscript=1"/> RESTREPO BOYS | MINNETONKA ORCHARDS - J Stoia Portrait Design


November 2, 2017

Just about five years ago, two little boys played on a tire swing hung just beside rows of apple trees. Now, there are three boys. With the youngest, Lucas, being close in age to Vincent in the black and white photo… we thought it might be fun to recreate this childhood memory. Quinton, much bigger now, still enjoyed being at the top and running things. Most of us oldest kids do. 🙂 After a little tire swing fun, they adventured through the apple trees and picked up some leftovers along the way. We lucked out with the sun shining in on us just the same as it had five years ago. Too bad the two weeks later in the season caused the temperature to be drastically different. (Check out the first session in shorts!)

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