She is the person that has made the biggest impact on my life. She is the one who has taught me what sacrifice is and how you can be blessed when you do it. She has prayed for me and over me my whole life and it has indeed paved a path for my creative […]
Three. Almost four, really. We are inching out of the shy phase. Bentley now chats away without much of a warm up period….well… with me at least, has the best and biggest hugs letting you know he misses you, and shows off his silly side more often than anything else. He has a mean throwing arm and […]
I can’t help it, I have a sweet spot for animals. I once stopped traffic on a side street to get a large snapping turtle across the road…. I have called State Troopers to come to a busy highway and save a duck possibly sitting on ducklings…. and I always jump out of my car […]